Ready to turn your passion for health and wellness into a rewarding career?
Join our exclusive cohorts, each limited to just 16 students. Secure your spot now by enrolling in one of our convenient options today.
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There's Coaching and there's Expert Coaching
Stand apart from the rest and become a Certified Expert Health and Wellness Coach (CEHWC)

Active Listening and Empathy
Gain advanced skills in listening attentively and empathizing with clients. Understanding their emotions and concerns is fundamental to building trust and rapport.

Goal Setting and Motivation
Change is hard. Our Coaches understand proven methods to help clients set clear, achievable goals and provide motivation and encouragement to stay on track.

Problem-Solving and Communication
Expert Coaches assist clients in overcoming obstacles and guide clients to their light bulb moments so they can own their journey and gain self-efficacy.

Holistic Curriculum
Our coaches have access to over 200 hours of curriculum in health and wellness coaching, nutrition, exercise, stress management, life balance, and other health-related topics to guide clients toward better health.

Self Awareness and Personal Growth
Our program is unique. You will prioritize your own personal growth by engaging in continuous learning and self-improvement. This helps coaches stay updated with the latest coaching techniques to better serve their clients.

Non-Judgmental Accountability
Our coaches get results. Coaches should hold their clients accountable for their actions and commitments while using effective coaching skills so clients feel safe and comfortable discussing their challenges without fear of judgment.
Summer '25 Health & Wellness Coach Certification
Early Bird Discount: Use coupon code SUMMER25 to receive 30% off tuition thru May 1, 2025.
Accelerated: Live sessions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students attend 2 sessions per week.
Click Here for Cohort Calendar00
Fall '25 Health & Wellness Coach Certification
Early Bird Discount: Use coupon code Fall25 to receive 30% off tuition until July 31, 2025.
Start Date: September 14th. Live sessions will meet for 2 hours per week.
Calendar TBD. Enrollment will open soon.
Email: [email protected] with any questions or to get on the waiting list.
Pay In Full
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6 Installments
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12 Installments
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